The Best of the Best
The first one at the top left corner is my best approach at proximity that my group chose. My group said it was most unique out of the four I displayed. I would have to agree. It was very different than the rest of the ones I drew. The top right corner is my closure sketch. My group said it was the one that best portrayed the law. I didn't agree at first best after going through my best ones, I decided that this one was THE best. The bottom left is my similarity sketch. My group did not pick this one. I decided to go against what they said because I thought that their pick was too safe. I think this sketch was very much out of my comfort zone. The last one is my continuity sketch. The group decided on this one because they liked that I used different sizes of circles. I think this one might be my favorite. I totally agreed with my group's choice.
Good commentary and dots.