Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Ok. This project....THIS PROJECT!!! I just could not THINK of what I wanted to do. I just didn't understand the project and I couldn't get into it. So...I just sat down and thought about myself and what are my best qualities. I had to figure out what was important to me and what I wanted people to know. Well, I googled friendship because I know I am a good friend. If people had to descibe me in one word, I hope it would be loyal. I found this symbol online. It is an African symbol for loyal. I thought that this was perfect. For the second part of my protects, I put "barbed wire" around it because I am a protector. I really don't know what I was doing. It has meaning to me but if you don't know me well then I fee like the person viewing it wouldn't quite understand the meaning behind it.

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